Robert Chapman Robert Chapman

Two Days Into This—July, 2o24

It seems like since the last time we were two days into this thing (the month of June), the easy summer sensations known and loved by nostalgic summer lovers of the past have decided to take their own holiday, ushering in the “hurry-up-and-go” lifestyles we (poorly) try to avoid a little earlier than usual.

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Robert Chapman Robert Chapman

COMMUNITY STUDIO—Ford Hayman, Clinton’s Police Chief

Ford Hayman, Clinton's longtime police chief, allowed me to visit him and ask a few questions about his department's approach to policing the Clinton community. With his focus on serving others and treating people the right way, he's proven to be a quality leader inside the Clinton Police Department.

In this episode, we talk trends in policing, community relations, technological advancement and challenges the future holds.

He's truly one of my favorite guys on the beat (no pun intended) and an asset to our community.

As always, thanks to Ty Garvey, Drew Mellon and the rest of Don Quixote's Horse for allowing their music to set the local tone for these podcasts.

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Robert Chapman Robert Chapman

Two Days Into This—June, 2o24

So, as if I don’t have enough on my to-do list, I’d like to challenge myself in putting out a monthly written post of sorts. Maybe the posts will involve city government, and maybe they won’t. Most of the time they’ll simply be stream of consciousness and ideas that I’ve been wrestling with or that have simply struck my fancy.

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Robert Chapman Robert Chapman

COMMUNITY STUDIO—Road Trippin’ with the Wife (The First Edition)

For the longest time, I told my wife, Megan, that we should record one of our conversations during one of our many road trips. So, during a recent road trip to New Orleans with my wife, we did just that.

As always, thanks to Ty Garvey, Drew Mellon and the rest of Don Quixote's Horse for allowing their music to set the local tone for these podcasts.

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Robert Chapman Robert Chapman

Chapman Brothers Podcast—May 2024

For May, we look at the steps we've taken to set up where we are today and focused on the ever dreaded yet present idea of "CHANGE." 

The Chapman Brothers Podcast is a monthly conversation between myself and my brother, Phillip Chapman.

As always, thanks to Ty Garvey, Drew Mellon and the rest of Don Quixote's Horse for allowing their music to set the local tone for these podcasts.

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Robert Chapman Robert Chapman

Chapman Brothers Podcast—April 2024

For April, we took a step back from the serious talks and landed on talking about everything from glasses to movies to travels and family.

The Chapman Brothers Podcast is a monthly conversation between myself and my brother, Phillip Chapman.

As always, thanks to Ty Garvey, Drew Mellon and the rest of Don Quixote's Horse for allowing their music to set the local tone for these podcasts.

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Robert Chapman Robert Chapman

Chapman Brothers Podcast—February 2024

For February, we're looking at what we put our hope and trust in. It's easy to say, as a good, strong person, that we don't put too much trust in things "things" that are fragile, but we find ourselves grasping for straws when things fall apart.

The Chapman Brothers Podcast is a monthly conversation between myself and my brother, Phillip Chapman.

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Robert Chapman Robert Chapman

COMMUNITY STUDIO—De*th & T*xes with Nathan Cummins

I'm willing to bet there are a good many people who don't fully understand "taxes." So, I talked with Nathan Cummins, a CPA who has also served as President of the Clinton Chamber of Commerce and who has formal training in taxes. I, for one, could always learn more about how the money business of government works, so I asked him to talk about taxes in the Michael Scott format: "Explain it to me like I'm five."

As always, thanks to Ty Garvey, Drew Mellon and the rest of Don Quixote's Horse for allowing their music to set the local tone for these podcasts.

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Robert Chapman Robert Chapman

Chapman Brothers Podcast—January 2024

I'm joined by my brother, Phillip Chapman, on a new journey for 2024. We're out to make 12 monthly episodes to talk about life and to have an excuse to record ourselves on Zoom.

In this first episode, we asked what three words would use if we could travel back in time and talk to our 18-year-old selves.

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Robert Chapman Robert Chapman

COMMUNITY STUDIO—A Work Session Suggestion

At the December 4 work session, I brought up the possibility of only having one work session a month instead of having two like we have for the past couple of years. Here are a few thoughts on why I believe one work session a month is worthwhile (and why holding a second when needed is still an option).

As always, thanks to Ty Garvey, Drew Mellon and the rest of Don Quixote's Horse for allowing their music to set the local tone for these podcasts.

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Robert Chapman Robert Chapman

COMMUNITY STUDIO—Rep. Clay Mansell (MS Dist. 56)

I had the chance to meet up with recently elected Representative Clay Mansell who will represent those in District 56. This position has been held by longtime Representative and Speaker of the Mississippi House Philip Gunn. We discussed some of his goals and motivations for running.

As always, thanks to Ty Garvey and Don Quixote's Horse for allowing their music to set the local tone for these podcasts.

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Robert Chapman Robert Chapman

COMMUNITY STUDIO—Minding Our Own Habits

How often do we give into the habit of (adjacently) throwing in our two-cents when someone else is going through an issue? We're quick to give advice but extremely slow to heed our own words. Too often, those on the outside-looking-in like to show off how much they know and how much their advice is worth. But how often do we find ourselves being "those people?" What would happen if we intentionally changed our habits instead of passively criticizing so many? 

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Robert Chapman Robert Chapman

COMMUNITY STUDIO—Thankful for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving may be a staple for many, but we all know it gets treated like the middle child when it comes to the end-of-the-year-holidays. How intentional will you be with your Thanksgiving this year? We're not promised tomorrow, so be thankful for today.

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