Three Days Into This—February 2025
I’ve started reading a new book. It’s called “Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman. It’s a fairly heavy read comparing how we instinctually think versus how we think when instinct isn’t involved.
I’m just inside the first quarter of the book, but so far it’s been a great (academic) book. If you’re into how people go through the process of thinking, I encourage you to check it out. I can’t say it enough, this is not a light, bouncy narrative.
Be forewarned.
In the introduction, the author sets up his argument, as he appropriately should, defining biases and types of heuristics . (Full disclosure: I had to look up what a heuristic is—a mental shortcut for solving problems in a quick way. You’re welcome).
But one thing written in the introduction stuck with me for a good while.
“People tend to assess the relative importance of issues by the ease with which they are retrieved from memory—and this is largely determined by the extent of coverage in the media. Frequently mentioned topics populate the mind even as others slip away from awareness.”
(I feel like I should cite my references in appropriate APA style. But this isn’t for a degree, so to all my former professors…sorry, not sorry).
Go back and read that again, and tell me how accurate that is. Think about that thing you tend to go on and on about. It’s front of mind because you keep that thing close at hand by your own doing.
Is that thing something that produces drive towards growth or does it eat away like acid on styrofoam?
I guess that makes us examine whether we want to grow or not. Do we want to find peace or not?
Some people love to live in the drama. That’s the world they know, so if they can live that life, they don’t have the try.
Sometimes it’s harder to live a happy life without stirring the pot or dealing with the beef between YOU and THEM. I’m not sure why, to be honest. Maybe it says something about us when the peaceful quiet of a drama-less world terrifies us. Maybe.
But what about when we get over the hurdle of insecurity and truly find our stride towards actual growth—whatever it is we’re growing towards.
Building a business. Losing weight. Running a marathon. Writing a book. Paying off debt. Earning a degree. Getting a new job. Working on a marriage. Building something. Producing a better product this year than last year. Stepping outside your comfort zone.
In the development state, you’re going to have those days when you’re hitting every stride. But you’re also going to have those days when you don’t even want to think about it.
You’ll have passionate days and days you’ll have to rely solely on discipline. Sometimes you’ll ride the wave, and sometimes you’ll just hang on for dear life. Overcoming those challenges is the sweet spot where growth is found.
My boss strongly believes in visuals. Strongly. I like it, to be honest. He puts it like this oftentimes, “You focus on the things you keep in front of you.” Be they good things or bad things, having it in front of you reminds you what you’re doing and why you’re doing it.
Think of the football player who watches the other team celebrate the championship win. Stefon Diggs did that a few years ago. He kept that image in mind intentionally so he could return with a vengeance.
Think of the addict striving towards a sober lifestyle by keeping a picture of his family on the dashboard of his car or in front of his computer monitor.
Think of calendars with inspirational quotes or a daily scripture reading routine. If it’s important to us, truly important, we just can’t get enough of it. We devour it and can’t get enough.
What are we binging so regularly, so pathologically? What do listen to or watch or read that keeps that thing front of mind?
Better yet, what’s around us keeping things front of mind that doesn’t produce growth?
Is it the news? Probably. Seems like no matter what, we can’t escape how bad things are and how bad they’ll be tomorrow. THEY tend to be intent on remind us.
What are you putting out into the universe around your circle of influence and what does your influence bring to the front of other people’s minds? (That question may land with you, but it was directly aimed at myself).
It’s like we tell our kids—Do your words produce life or death?
Are you building something great or are you an Energy Vampire?
Titled Things: I feel I mentioned this above, but I will also say I’ve been reading a friend’s manuscript so I can offer some suggestions. Admittedly, I’ve been taking my time. I get into it and then life gets in the way. I’m hoping I can share the title of it when he’s done with it. Since I can’t suggest this one, I will say that I’m honored he even asked me to look it over, and I’m humbled that he would even care about my opinion. Maybe in our growth mindset, we can seek out people to help us by asking for feedback. Maybe.
Up for the Challenge: We’re officially in the early throngs of Municipal Election Season, and I’m running for Alderman At Large. The general election is June 3, so we’ve got just under 5 months of campaigning. I’ve said it over and over, but if you live in Clinton, Mississippi, I’d really appreciate your trust, your support and your vote. If you don’t live in Clinton, I’d still encourage you to vote in your local elections. These elections affect you on a daily basis.
There’s no such thing as a liberal road or a conservative right-of-way. Municipal government is all about relationships and trust, and I don’t take that lightly. I take it very seriously. I want to help create a town that citizens can be proud of today while making it one our children can inherit tomorrow.
Decisions are made by those who show up, so put it on your calendar. June 3, 2025!
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