Chapman Brothers Podcast—February 2024

For February, we're looking at what we put our hope and trust in. It's easy to say, as a good, strong person, that we don't put too much trust in things "things" that are fragile, but we find ourselves grasping for straws when things fall apart.

The Chapman Brothers Podcast is a monthly conversation between myself and my brother, Phillip Chapman.

As always, thanks to Ty Garvey, Drew Mellon and the rest of Don Quixote's Horse for allowing their music to set the local tone for these podcasts.

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Subscribe to Community Studio on Apple Podcasts or Community Studio on Spotify or where ever you get your podcasts. You can also access the entire episode in video format above.


Chapman Brothers Podcast—April 2024


COMMUNITY STUDIO—De*th & T*xes with Nathan Cummins